How to Prepare for Your Consultation with a New Hampshire Podiatrist | Nagy Footcare

How to Prepare for Your Consultation with a New Hampshire Podiatrist

| June 15th, 2017

Posted In: General Foot Care

Making an appointment with a New Hampshire podiatrist is something that many people put off until it’s too late. If you’re experiencing foot pain, whether it’s in your heel, toes, arch or ankle, make an appointment with your trusted podiatrist for as soon as possible.

Many people might not think that their foot pain is a big deal. They might be embarrassed by the way their feet look or smell. There’s no need to be embarrassed. Your podiatrist sees feet, in all shapes, sizes and states of health, all day long. Even if you’re grossed out by feet, your podiatrist isn’t. Remember, he invested years of his life training to take care of feet. By choice.

You don’t need to live with foot pain. Your trusted podiatrist can help to resolve the issue causing you pain, prevent mobility issues, and help you to get back to enjoying normal activities.

When you experience foot pain, there are a few things you should do before your consultation to be prepared to help your podiatrist diagnose and treat your condition.

What symptoms indicate that you should see a podiatrist?

First, consider your symptoms. Where is the pain located? Pain can develop anywhere from your toes to your ankle and can be caused by any number of injuries or conditions.

For example, many people experience heel pain due to a condition called plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis occurs when the connective tissue that stretches from the toes and the ball of the foot to the heel becomes inflamed. If your foot pain is worse when you walk or put pressure on your foot, make sure to explain your pain and symptoms in detail to your doctor.

If you have an obvious injury or are experiencing swelling that affects your ability to wear shoes or move, you should seek treatment right away. If you have experienced a hairline fracture in one of the bones of your foot, you need treatment to avoid the break getting worse from the continued pressure of walking and standing each day.

If your pain is accompanied by any numbness, tingling, or loss of strength in your feet or legs you should make an appointment with your podiatrist immediately.

What do I need to bring with me?

You will need to bring your insurance information and identification. It is also helpful for your New Hampshire podiatrist and his team if you download and complete your patient forms before your appointment and bring them with you. This cuts down on the time that you need to spend in the waiting room.

If your primary care provider referred you to the podiatrist, bring your referral. You can also bring a list of your questions for the podiatrist and lists of any medications you are currently taking.

You should make sure your feet are clean and wear clean shoes and socks to the appointment. Keeping your feet clean and dry can help to alleviate many other foot problems, so it’s a good habit to start and keep. It might also be helpful to bring the shoes that you wear most often to the appointment for the podiatrist to understand your gait.

It’s also a good idea to familiarize yourself with your symptoms and to learn about signs of healthy or unhealthy feet before your appointment. Dr. Nagy, for example, encourages new patients to spend time reading about different foot conditions on his website so that when they attend their appointment they are able to explain their concerns to him.

If you stick to reputable and trusted resources like Dr. Nagy’s website you will learn quite a bit about your feet and reduce any anxiety you might have about seeing a podiatrist.

What happens during an initial podiatry consultation?

An initial podiatry consultation, like most first visits with doctors, will include a significant portion of time talking about your medical history. Your podiatrist will ask you questions about your overall health, exercise habits, diet and any existing medical conditions.

Diabetes can lead to serious foot problems, so your podiatrist will need to know if you live with this condition. He will also want to know about any previous injuries to your feet and ankles and if you have had any surgeries or procedures on your feet or ankles in the past.

The New Hampshire podiatrist will perform a thorough examination of your feet and ankles. He may ask you questions about your pain or instruct you to walk so that he can observe your gait and see if your pain is causing you to limp or adjust your stride to accommodate the pain.

Will I need x-rays for my foot pain?

Your podiatrist may order x-rays or other diagnostic imaging tests like MRIs or CT scans to get a better understanding of your foot injury or condition. These tests help him to see inside the foot without having to open your foot in a traditional surgery, to aid his diagnosis of your condition. An accurate diagnosis is important to the creation of an effective treatment plan to provide you with pain relief and heal your foot.

What happens next?

After your initial consultation, your podiatrist will begin treatment for your foot pain. The treatments for foot pain vary as greatly as the reasons for foot pain. Treatment may be as simple as wearing orthotics to support your feet properly or changing the shoes you wear to allow more room for your toes.

Your New Hampshire podiatrist may suggest certain exercises, stretches or physical therapy to address your foot pain. Sometimes medication or corticosteroid shots are used to provide pain relief. It is possible that you may need surgery to correct the condition causing your foot pain, but in most cases, your podiatrist will try more conservative treatments before scheduling surgery.

If you are suffering from foot pain, don’t delay seeking treatment. Like most other medical conditions, foot issues are typically more easily treated in their earlier stages. Dr. Nagy and his team of compassionate and knowledgeable professionals at Nagy Footcare will welcome you and do their best to treat your foot pain quickly and efficiently.

At Nagy Footcare, our best day is the day you wake up with no foot pain.

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