The quickest way to recover from foot surgery is to opt for minimally invasive surgery instead of traditional foot surgery. If you are having foot or ankle pain, treating the problem conservatively might not be enough. Your New Hampshire podiatrist may even recommend surgery. Traditional foot surgery can […]
Read MoreIn order to better serve our current and future patients, we’ve moved our North Hampton office location to Seabrook. The last day in our North Hampton office was June 27, 2019. Our official opening day in our new Seabrook location is July 16, 2019 at […]
Read MoreDr. Nagy has joined a network of doctors as a designated Atlas-FAI certified specialist, which makes Nagy Footcare locations in North Hampton and Somersworth Atlas-FAI certified centers- the first in New Hampshire. As an Atlas-FAI specialist, Dr. Nagy is trained on how to identify an […]
Read MoreDo you need foot surgery? Before you schedule your procedure, there are several things to consider when it comes to deciding where to have it. You deserve to be comfortable with your decision to have foot or ankle surgery, and you also deserve to be […]
Read MoreThe mention of foot surgery can cause a frightening reaction for many people. The need to use their feet every day increases their anxiety. This no longer has to be the case. With the advancements in surgical techniques and podiatry, minimally invasive surgery makes it possible […]
Read MoreIf you’re a runner you know the joy of fresh air in your face and feeling the strength of your body with every stride. Then just as you’re feeling the stress of the day finally fade away you notice that twinge in your knee again. […]
Read MoreDo you think you need foot surgery? Before you start making plans to have a major operation on your foot, you should know that you might not be a good candidate for foot surgery. Plus, you might not even need to head to the operating […]
Read MoreAn ingrown toenail can be extremely painful making it difficult to wear your shoes or stand for long periods of time. Once an ingrown toenail becomes infected, it can make you even more miserable. Keeping the toenail trimmed and minimizing the risk of infection through […]
Read MoreDo you wake up in the morning and gingerly step out of bed to limit shooting pain in your feet and ankles? Perhaps your back also hurts and your hips and legs are stiff and fatigued. You might think these are all just aches and […]
Read MoreMinor foot problems often resolve with conservative at-home treatment. But if you have a serious foot problem, the effectiveness of your treatment and speed of your recovery sometimes depends on how quickly you seek help from your New Hampshire podiatrist. Bunions, corns and calluses, plantar warts, ingrown toenails, […]
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