Category: Orthotics
Do You Need Custom Orthotics When You Run?
Dr. Brian Nagy | April 26th, 2018
Posted In: Orthotics, Running

If you’re a runner you know the joy of fresh air in your face and feeling the strength of your body with every stride. Then just as you’re feeling the stress of the day finally fade away you notice that twinge in your knee again. It doesn’t quite, hurt but you can feel a strange […]
Foot Problems You Can Correct with Custom Orthotics
Dr. Brian Nagy | January 9th, 2018
Posted In: Foot Problems, Orthotics

Are you suffering from foot pain caused by bunions, diabetes, fallen arches, flat feet, foot misalignment, tendonitis, or some other foot, ankle, or toe problem? Custom inserts/orthotics might be the solution you’re looking for. Custom orthotics are different from foot pads and inserts you see in a drugstore because they are designed and constructed to support and […]
6 Reasons You May Need Custom Orthotics
Dr. Brian Nagy | December 4th, 2017
Posted In: Orthotics

If you’re suffering from foot pain, knee pain, or back pain, you may benefit from custom orthotics. These custom shoe inserts provide support and pain relief to many Americans. Despite their effective pain relief and support, many people still try to make due with the off-the-peg orthotics sold in drug stores and shoe stores. Let’s […]